Thursday, October 05, 2006

I Am Almost Finished Unpacking

Yippeeee! However, my landline doesn't work, so I have to blog from work. And, I happened to forget that I can take pics, load them on to the laptop, transfer them to my jumpdrive, and post them at work where I do have internet. Sometimes I just don't think things all the way through. *sigh*

More good news: my kids and cats love the new apartment. I think we actually have more room than we did at what's-his-face's house, but only because there are 3 less people and no big, hairy, drooly dog.

Next week, I will try my hardest to remember to post some pics of the cats and the new apartment. And hopefully by then, I will have finished the purple bag (I bought more lime yarn and have been working on the straps).

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